Join the Banwell Society of Archaeology and Local History

THE SOCIETY was formed in 1958, and new members are always welcome. Interest is not confined to archaeology,
but extends to all aspects of local history and other related subjects.

MEETINGS are held at Banwell Village Hall at 7.30pm on the 2nd Friday of the month (excluding August). –
We have a monthly programme of talks on a wide range of topics.

A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER is distributed FREE to members via e-mail or by post.
However, we do ask those who are not on e-mail or a local delivery round to contribute
eleven A5 stamped addressed envelopes each year in order to help cover our postage costs.

AN EXTENSIVE LIBRARY is available to members and from time to time, projects on local history topics are
organized which members can take part in.

VISITS/WALKS are also arranged to places or special events of historical interest.

TO JOIN, complete the form below, alternatively, you can download the form to print out here.


Adults: £15

Under 18s: £7.50

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.

Please pay by cash, electronic bank transfer acc no.00473218 sort code 30-91-84, please leave your
name in reference box or make cheques payable to Banwell Society of Archaeology. Subscriptions are
renewable in May each year, at the Annual General Meeting.
New members joining after December do not have to renew membership in the following
year (and so have 17months membership for the first year).